Go deeper than sensation

Strong sensations are like a wave crashing against a rock. 

Energy meeting a seemingly solid object. 

Belief is like a solid object, our belief that because something feels permanent it is unchanging. 

The rock seems to be immovable, permanent and yet water has the power to slowly erode rock. 

Nothing tangible is permanent, every thing changes in time and space. 

All sensations by their very nature come and go, shift and change like the waves of the ocean. 

Go deeper than sensation into the ocean of sensing to discover what is truly unchanging and ever present. 

Om Sri Shakti

Shakti moves in mysterious ways.

She is illusive until beckoned.

Then She illuminates the darkness.

Her tendrils of light reaching into the cracks and crevices where we hide.

She knows no boundaries.

She penetrates the deepest wounds.

Soothing the sorrow, healing the hurt, awaking the numbness.

Till there is only a peaceful presence emanating at the centre of existence.

Om Sri Shakti.

Playing with our edges

Our edges keep us living,

Within a box of fear.

Those uncomfortable boundaries,

We perceive as real.

Playing with our edges,

Moving in, moving out.

Breathing a little deeper,

Disentangling the doubt.

As the edges dissolve,

The box begins to fade.

Till we realize the box,

Is only what we made.

As the box of doubt dissolves,

Revealing a clearer view.

To realize the freedom,

That is alive inside of you.


Letting go of the idea of control and surrendering,

There is a power beyond my personal self that initiates the practices and moves through this experience of body. Central channel opening, vibrating and filling with light.

Bija mantra undulating and rising naturally,

Sounds spontaneously arising.

Nectar from the red Bindu surging upward and spreading into the heart.

The black hole of the heart Bindu, an infinite source full of a loving presence.

Cosmic white light fused with red passion in this infinite space of beingness in the heart Bindu.

Surrendering, falling back into Oneself,

Burning in her Grace until nothing is left,

Only a space of loving awareness and aliveness.

I surrender to the mystery,

I surrender to the beauty.

The harmony of life

All life moves toward harmony and away from disharmony this is a natural universal phenomena.

All life is energy. Energies in harmony expand, energies in disharmony contract.

The impulse to move toward harmony is the impulse of life itself.

When we recognize inner harmony we no longer seek harmony from external sources alone.

Attuning to inner harmony provides us with the compass to navigate life, freeing the seeking energy from the ignorance of egotic disharmony.

This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine!

As a very young child I knew only love.  I knew the power of this love and I knew everything else was love.  I especially knew flowers were love.  My earliest memories are of anywhere where flowers appeared: flowers on the carpet of our home, flowers mingling with the grass in our garden, and flowers dangling from the bushes in the hedgerow.  I would weep when the grass was cut and the flowers would disappear then light up when flowers would burst into bloom.

My earliest memory is lying on the flower carpet in the hall of our home, closing my eyes and feeling the sunlight bathing me in its light and warmth, feeling warm, safe and full of love.

When I was eight I learned a little song “This little light of mine”.  This song became my favorite song and I would sing it to myself whenever I would feel small, sad or afraid.  This little song reminded me of the love that I am and everything is.

Then I became an adult and forgot about this little light of mine.  I began to believe the stories people told me.  That I was not good at doing things, that I was not good at singing, So I stopped singing and eventually forgot how it felt to sing.

For many years I tried hard to be like an adult, serious, strong and busy ignoring the little child inside and this little light.

Then one day a beautiful yogini shared the gift of song and the feeling of love with me again.  At first it felt funny to sing and my voice was wobbly and quiet but as I practiced my voice grew stronger.  The more I sang the brighter this little light within shone until it filled my whole being and I remembered the power of love.

Now I know love again. I know that everything else is love too and I know that Love as Oneness.  We are all love and we all have a little light within just waiting to be remembered and nurtured.

May we all shine brightly


The Weather Within

Sometimes there are quiet undulating streams of energy flowing.

Sometimes clouds appear and soft rain falls spilling out of my eyes dissolving the clouds.

Sometimes a raging hurricane which rises up filling my ears and eyes, blinding me to the witness inside.

Sometimes there is a gentle glow of light holding me tenderly like a sunset.

Sometimes there is a blazing sun rising in my heart, filling me and radiating out through every fibre of my being.

Sometimes there is only Space.


The Story of Chandra Devi

Once upon a time the moon dropped down from the universe to shine its light on the ocean below.  The ocean was held in a golden container in the form of a chalice.  The chalice was beautiful, bright, strong and whole.  The ocean reflected the light of the moon.


From the ocean beings appeared.  They were full of love, sincerity and devotion to the light.  But they journeyed in all directions moving away from the light.  They became cold and hungry so built structures to keep themselves warm and full.


They became entangled and confused even though the light still shone all around them in the form of beautiful colours and shapes.  They began to believe in the prison they had made for themselves within their entanglement and confusion.


Then one day from the light a beautiful goddess emerged shining with light and wisdom to show them the way to return to the light and freedom.  She shared the gift of yoga with great love and respect restoring all beings to their wholeness and the light within to live in love, sincerity and devotion once again.


Oh what a joy to be alive

Oh what a joy to be alive,

To see the sun spread across the sky and hear the birdsong announcing a new day.


Oh what a joy to be alive, 

To see the love in your beloveds eyes and share a blessing, Namaste.


Oh what a joy to be alive,

To taste, to touch, to smell, to see and hear the wonders of life eternally.

Oh what a joy to be alive,

To be full till bursting from the love of Thee.


Oh what a joy to be alive,

To see the world through the eyes of a child.


Oh what a joy to be alive,

To surrender to slumber when the sun has set and the moon is high.
