Morning Meditation

Wednesdays 2024

@ hOMe on Zoom

Begin the day from a space of stillness, being present to the whole of your experience and allow that spacious awareness to permeate the day and all your interactions and actions.

Wednesday mornings 9am to 9:45am PST

To register email

Pre-registration is required to receive the zoom link.

Each week we will explore different quantum breathing techniques to bring the body and mind into stillness and rest in our expansive state of being.

When we learn how to breathe fully, completely, and efficiently the result is a calm, steady state of mind and a healthy body.  

Being absorbed in breathing we discover the abundance of subtle sensations, the wisdom of the energy body and an inner knowing that can guide us toward a sense of ease, vitality and wholeness.

Mantra Meditation

Mondays 2024

@ hOMe on Zoom

Chanting Mantra is one of the most delightful and transforming practices.

It interrupts mental emotional patterns, enlivens the whole body at a cellular level, it opens and synchronizes our hearts and transforms our energetic vibration.

Monday evenings 5:30pm - 6:15pm PST

Experience a complete reset of your subtle energy body.

Each week we shall learn and experience a new mantra. Feel free to share suggestions or requests. No previous experience is necessary. Join for the joy of chanting.

To register email

Pre-registration is required to receive the zoom link.

Yoga Nidra

Next series tba

@ hOMe on Zoom

Next series tba

Relax and rest deeply, calming mental and emotional activity, balancing the nervous system, listening to the wisdom of the subtle energy body and reposing in your essence nature within the safety and comfort of your own home.

Each session will begin with time to check in and connect before a guided Yoga Nidra practice.

In the meantime for one-on-one support and individualized Yoga Nidra’s email

Pre-registration is required to receive the zoom link.

You will need:

  1. a quiet, comfortable place to lie down where you will not be disturbed for the duration of the practice.

  2. support for your body (ie: a blanket and perhaps a bolster or rolled up blanket and an eye pillow if you wish).


Class payments can be made via e-transfer to

All classes are offered on a sliding scale so everyone can pay what they can while honouring the value of what is shared.

Suggested payment per class is $25 or $100 for a series of 4 classes.

May the energy invested in these offerings support and benefit all beings OM